Bikes at the Khunjerab Pass Robert Matzinger's Cycling Karakoram Highway Pages

Nameless Pass in Xinjang

Cycling Karakoram Highway

Picture Gallery Part 6

Xinjang Highlands

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Vast and open highlands, snow covered mountains, crystal clear air and a lonely road, that's what we see the next days...

...beside some encounters, we are not so used to.

The night's are cold in this vast high and often desert-like land.

Poeple are quite shy, seldom we get a contact. But if so, hospitality is great and communication works easily without a common language.  

It's about 120 km to go into China's territory before we reach the border control post that officially let's us enter.

The landscape at the Karakul lake clearly belongs to the highlights of the journey.
The vast land, the lake and - some dozens of km's away, still almost to be touched with the hand - the mountains Muztagh Ata and Konghur Shan (both more than 7000m high). It's breathtaking. We camp at one of the most picturesque campsites we had in life and when out of a sudden an ancient-looking caravan passes by, we feel to be taken back 1000 years in a time-wharp.

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Last modified Feb. 97